Thursday, March 30, 2017

Our Trip to the Childrens Art Cottage

Today Room 30 had an amazing trip to the Children's Art Cottage.  We really enjoyed the trip on the bus and there was some great singing of "The Wheels on the Bus".  When we arrived at the Art Cottage, the wonderful educators there shared a local legend with us as well as a piece of art created to represent this legend.  We had to close our eyes and listen to the story so we could visualise what was happening.


Then Room 30 started creating their own art.  We learnt some great times for using pastels and there are some amazing pieces of art underway.  We have taken these back to our classroom to finish over the next week.


A huge thank you to the parents that came with us today, without who the trip would not be possible. This is just a selection of some of the photos that were taken on the trip today.  We look forward to having our artwork up on the wall for viewing soon.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Congratulations to our Gold Mathletics Stars

This week Room 30 had two Gold Mathletics stars.  They both received their awards at Community.  Well done Damon and Alex - keep working hard on Mathletics!

Congratulations Joshua

This week the Principals Award for Room 30 went to Joshua for the amazing effort he is putting into his Reading both at school and at home.  Keep trying hard Joshua!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Congratulations Arlo

Arlo received the Principals Award for Room 30 this week.  He has stepped up as a leader in Room 30, helping other students, particularly with the iPads.  He always tries hard with all activities and perseveres even when things are difficult.  Keep up this great work Arlo.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Congratulations Cora

Well done to Cora who received the Principals Award for week 6.  Cora has been showing the Lynmore School values each day and been a really kind and helpful friend to her peers.  Congratulations Cora!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Congratulations Jessica

This week the Principals Award for Room 30 goes to Jessica for your great start to the year and terrific effort with your writing.  We really enjoyed your story about the Redwood Forest and hope to publish it in class shortly.  Well done Jessica!